const fs = require("fs"); const text = fs.readFileSync("2019/07/input.txt", "utf-8"); let instructions = text.split(',').map(opcode => parseInt(opcode)); function fiveDig(value) { return value.toString().length < 5 ? fiveDig("0" + value) : value.toString(); } function IntcodeAmp(verbose) { this.verbose = verbose; this.reset = function(){ = false; this.memory = instructions.slice(); this.memoryAdress = 0; if (this.verbose) { console.log("RESET"); } } this.reset(); this.valueOf = function(index, paramMode) { return paramMode == "0" ? this.memory[this.memory[index]] : this.memory[index]; } this.add = function (a, b){ this.memory[this.memory[this.memoryAdress+3]] = this.valueOf(this.memoryAdress+1, b) + this.valueOf(this.memoryAdress+2, a); this.memoryAdress+=4; } this.mult = function (a, b){ this.memory[this.memory[this.memoryAdress+3]] = this.valueOf(this.memoryAdress+1, b) * this.valueOf(this.memoryAdress+2, a); this.memoryAdress+=4; } this.input = function () { let userInput = this.inputSequence[this.inputNo]; this.inputNo++; if (this.verbose){ console.log("IN "+userInput); } this.memory[this.memory[this.memoryAdress+1]] = userInput; this.memoryAdress+=2; } this.jmpIfNot0 = function(a, b) { if (this.valueOf(this.memoryAdress+1, b) != 0) { this.memoryAdress = this.valueOf(this.memoryAdress+2, a) } else { this.memoryAdress+=3; } } this.jmpIf0 = function(a, b) { if (this.valueOf(this.memoryAdress+1, b) == 0) { this.memoryAdress = this.valueOf(this.memoryAdress+2, a) } else { this.memoryAdress+=3; } } this.jmpIfLessThan = function(a, b) { this.memory[this.memory[this.memoryAdress+3]] = this.valueOf(this.memoryAdress+1, b) < this.valueOf(this.memoryAdress+2, a) ? 1 : 0; this.memoryAdress+=4; } this.jmpIfEqual = function(a, b) { this.memory[this.memory[this.memoryAdress+3]] = this.valueOf(this.memoryAdress+1, b) == this.valueOf(this.memoryAdress+2, a) ? 1 : 0; this.memoryAdress+=4; } = function (inputSequence){ = true; this.inputSequence = inputSequence; this.inputNo = 0; while (true) { instruction = fiveDig(this.memory[this.memoryAdress]); opcode = instruction.slice(3); if (opcode == '01') { this.add(instruction[1], instruction[2]); } else if (opcode == '02') { this.mult(instruction[1], instruction[2]) } else if (opcode == '03') { if (this.inputNo >= this.inputSequence.length) { return "input required"; } this.input(); } else if (opcode == '04') { outputValue = this.valueOf(this.memoryAdress+1, instruction[2]) this.memoryAdress+=2; return outputValue; } else if (opcode == '05') { this.jmpIfNot0(instruction[1], instruction[2]); } else if (opcode == '06') { this.jmpIf0(instruction[1], instruction[2]); } else if (opcode == '07') { this.jmpIfLessThan(instruction[1], instruction[2]); } else if (opcode == '08') { this.jmpIfEqual(instruction[1], instruction[2]); } else if (opcode == '99') { this.reset(); return; } } } } amps = [ new IntcodeAmp(), new IntcodeAmp(), new IntcodeAmp(), new IntcodeAmp(), new IntcodeAmp() ] function test(phaseSequence) { output = 0; for (let i = 0; i < phaseSequence.length; i++){ amps[i].run([phaseSequence[i]]); } do { for (amp of amps) { let ampOut =[output]); if (!ampOut) { break; } else { output = ampOut; } } } while (amps[0].active) for (amp of amps) { amp.reset(); } return output; } maxSignal = 0; // inefficient af but idk how else to do it function arrayIsUnique(myArray) { return myArray.length === new Set(myArray).size; } for (let phase = 0; phase < Math.pow(5, 5); phase++){ phaseSequence = [(phase%5)+5, (Math.floor(phase/5)%5)+5, (Math.floor(phase/25)%5)+5, (Math.floor(phase/125)%5)+5, (Math.floor(phase/625)%5)+5] if (!arrayIsUnique(phaseSequence)) { continue; } thrustSignal = test(phaseSequence); if (maxSignal < thrustSignal) { maxSignal = thrustSignal; } } console.log(maxSignal);