const fs = require('fs'); const data = fs.readFileSync('input.txt', 'utf-8'); const lines = data.split('\n').map(num => parseInt(num)).sort((a,b)=>(a-b)); lines.unshift(0); lines.push(lines[lines.length-1]+3); // convert to linked list let last = {}; let i = 0 do { let entry = { value: lines[i], prev: last }; = entry; last = entry; i++; } while (i < lines.length) // find removeable adaptors let removeableAdaptors = []; const lastVal = last last = last.prev while (last.prev) { if ( - last.prev.value <= 3){ removeableAdaptors.push(last) } last = last.prev } // divide removeable adaptors into groups that don't interfere with one another when removed // this changes the runtime with the given input from a over a month to less than a millisecond // however, in a worst case scenareo, where every adaptor is removeable, this would still take trillions of years. let adaptorGroups = [] function makeGroups(removeableAdaptors) { for (let i = removeableAdaptors.length-1; i>-1; i--) { // if the gap between two removeable adaptors > 2 then you know they will not intefere with each other if (i == 0 || removeableAdaptors[i-1].value - removeableAdaptors[i].value > 2) { adaptorGroups.push(removeableAdaptors.slice(i)) makeGroups(removeableAdaptors.slice(0, i)) break; } } } makeGroups(removeableAdaptors) function findArrangements (removeableAdaptors, s = 0) { total = 1 // for each adaptor in the group for (let i = s; i < removeableAdaptors.length; i++){ // if you can remove this adaptor if (removeableAdaptors[i].next.value-removeableAdaptors[i].prev.value <= 3) { // remove the adaptor and find arrangements with it gone removeableAdaptors[i] = removeableAdaptors[i].next total += findArrangements (removeableAdaptors, i+1) // add the adaptor back for following tests removeableAdaptors[i] = removeableAdaptors[i] } } return total } console.time('time') // multipy the amount of arrangements in each group to get the total amount of arrangements. answer = adaptorGroups.reduce((a, g) => {return a*findArrangements(g)},1) console.timeEnd('time') console.log(answer)