2024-12-18 23:12:50 +00:00
{lib, pkgs, ...}: init: rec {
2024-12-18 19:38:22 +00:00
inherit lib;
inherit (lib) splitString mod range;
inherit (lib.lists) findFirstIndex imap0;
inherit (lib.strings) stringToCharacters;
inherit (builtins) elemAt concatStringsSep length elem filter foldl' concatLists floor deepSeq listToAttrs attrValues attrNames mapAttrs hasAttr sort genList;
index = i: list: if isNull list || i < 0 || i >= length list then null else elemAt list i;
index2d = {x, y}: m: m |> index y |> index x;
chartToStr = chart: chart |> (map (concatStringsSep "")) |> concatStringsSep "\n";
rotate' = {x, y}: {y = -x; x = y;};
rotate = {x, y}: {y = x; x = -y;};
addVec = a: b: {x = a.x or 0 + b.x or 0; y = a.y or 0 + b.y or 0;};
multVec = a: m: {x = a.x or 0 * m; y = a.y or 0 * m;};
dirs = {
north = {x = 0; y = -1;};
east = {x = 1; y = 0;};
south = {x = 0; y = 1;};
west = {x = -1; y = 0;};
search = {
score ? 0,
}: let
fwd = addVec pos dir;
elem (index2d fwd init.chart) [null "#"]
then {pos = null; dist = null;}
if (isCorner fwd || fwd == init.goal || fwd == init.pos)
then {
pos = (key fwd);
dist = score + 1;
search {pos = fwd; inherit dir; score = score + 1;}
2024-12-18 23:12:50 +00:00
isCorner = pos: index2d pos init.chart == "." # &&
# (dirs
# |> mapAttrs (name: dir: let n = addVec pos dir; in index2d n init.chart == ".")
# |> ({north, east, south, west}:
# north && east || east && south || south && west || west && north))
2024-12-18 19:38:22 +00:00
2024-12-18 23:12:50 +00:00
key = {x, y}:
"${toString x},${toString y}";
# gives locations like vim cursor indicator
#"${toString (y + 1)},${toString (x + 1)}";
2024-12-18 19:38:22 +00:00
corners = range 0 (init.width - 1) |> map (x:
range 0 (init.height - 1) |> map (y: {inherit x y;})
|> concatLists
|> filter isCorner
|> (nodes: nodes ++ [init.pos init.goal])
|> map (pos: {
name = key pos;
value = ({
north = search {inherit pos; dir = dirs.north;};
east = search {inherit pos; dir = dirs.east;};
south = search {inherit pos; dir = dirs.south;};
west = search {inherit pos; dir = dirs.west;};
} |> lib.filterAttrs (n: v: !isNull v.pos));
|> listToAttrs;
notNull = value: !isNull value;
nodeGraph = graph: pkgs.runCommand "graph" {} ''
mkdir -p $out
echo 'digraph {
${graph |> mapAttrs (from: edges:
edges |> mapAttrs (dir: edge: if isNull edge.pos or null then "" else ''
"${from}" -> "${edge.pos}" [label="${dir} ${toString edge.dist}"]
'') |> attrValues |> concatStringsSep "\n"
) |> attrValues |> concatStringsSep "\n"}
}' > $out/graph.dot
cat $out/graph.dot | ${pkgs.graphviz}/bin/dot -Tsvg > $out/graph.svg
graphs = {
corners = nodeGraph corners;
initScores = {
${key init.pos} = {
dir = "east";
steps = 0;
dist = 0;
turns = 0;
pos = key init.pos;
getLowest = state: let
unvisited = removeAttrs state.scores state.done;
attrValues unvisited |> foldl' (acc: node:
if isNull acc.steps then node else
if isNull node.steps then acc else
if acc.steps < node.steps then acc else node
2024-12-18 23:12:50 +00:00
) {turns = null; steps = null; pos = null;}
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getScores = {done ? [], scores ? initScores}: let
prev = getLowest {inherit done scores;};
2024-12-18 23:12:50 +00:00
if isNull prev.pos then {inherit done scores; impossible = true;}
2024-12-18 19:38:22 +00:00
|> mapAttrs (dir: edge: let
turns = if prev.dir == dir then prev.turns else prev.turns + 1;
existing = scores.${edge.pos} or null;
steps = prev.steps + edge.dist;
# can't evaluate same turns
# because we don't know where we will turn next.
sameSteps = notNull existing
&& existing.steps == steps
isBetter = isNull existing ||
(existing.steps > steps);
newScore = {
inherit steps dir turns;
inherit (edge) pos dist;
prev = prev.pos;
in {
name = edge.pos;
value = if sameSteps then
existing // {alt = newScore;}
else if isBetter
then newScore
else existing
|> attrValues
|> listToAttrs
|> (newScores: {
scores = scores // newScores;
done = done ++ [prev.pos];
2024-12-18 23:12:50 +00:00
getFastest = goal: s: let
2024-12-18 19:38:22 +00:00
next = getScores s;
2024-12-18 23:12:50 +00:00
in if next.impossible or false || elem (key goal) (next.done)
then next
else getFastest goal next;
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pathScore = steps: turns: steps + turns * 1000;
2024-12-18 23:12:50 +00:00
isImpossible = (getFastest init.goal {}).impossible or false;
fastestTo = (getFastest init.goal {}).scores;
toGoal = fastestTo.${key init.goal};
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part1result = pathScore toGoal.steps toGoal.turns;
# PART 2
# WIP:
# go through the path, add each pos to visited
# if point has alt,
# TODO: and the alt turns add up to the correct path.
# find points on that path.
# add length of filtered alt, (-1 for the overlap at end?).
# add alt to visited.
pathToList = scores: {pos ? key init.goal, visited ? []}:
res = scores.${pos};
prevPath = if res ? prev
then pathToList scores {pos = res.prev; visited = visited;}
else {path = []; visited = [pos];};
a = pathToList scores {pos = res.alt.prev; visited = visited ++ prevPath.visited;};
altPath = if res ? alt
then {path = [thisAltSpot] ++ a.path; inherit (a) visited;}
else {path = []; visited = [];}
thisSpot = {inherit (res) pos steps turns dir dist;
# alt = altPath.path;
thisAltSpot = {inherit (res.alt) pos steps turns dir dist;
alt = [];
in {
visited = [pos] ++ prevPath.visited ++ altPath.visited;
path =
if elem pos visited then [] else
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cornerScores = getFastest init.goal {};
2024-12-18 19:38:22 +00:00
2024-12-18 23:12:50 +00:00
path = (pathToList cornerScores.scores {}).path;
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2024-12-18 23:12:50 +00:00
pathChart = genList (y: genList (x:
if index2d {inherit x y;} init.chart == "#" then "#"
2024-12-18 19:38:22 +00:00
else if elem (key {inherit x y;}) (map ({pos,...}: pos) path) then "O"
else "."
2024-12-18 23:12:50 +00:00
) init.width) init.height;
2024-12-18 19:38:22 +00:00